Why there is NO such thing as “THE BEST” Exercise!
Why There’s No Such Thing as “THE BEST” Exercise Over the years as a Physical Therapist and a Certified Personal Trainer I have routinely been asked the following question: “What is the best exercise I should be doing?” My answer is …

Surgery vs Physical Therapy
DR. CHRISTIANA MARRON SURGERY IS MY ONLY OPTION… MYTH! In many cases, physical therapy has been shown to be AS effective as surgery in treating a wide range of conditions- from rotator cuff tears and degenerative disc disease, to meniscal …

Nutrition During Injury Recovery
The Importance of Proper Nutrition and Injury Recovery As a way to facilitate healing, nutrition is often times forgotten about or neglected. Athletes often times will decrease their intake of proper foods for the fear of weight gain during the …

The 5 L’s of Lifting
Have you ever noticed how babies have the perfect squat and deadlift form? When watching a baby pick up an object off the ground, you can watch how they bring the object close to them as they come upright and …

Poor Posture and Shoulder Pain
Did you know that your shoulder pain could be caused from poor postural habits? One of the most common complaints I have received as a physical therapist is shoulder pain that the patient may or may not have been …

Ankle Biomechanics and Gait Analysis
How can the arches in your feet effect your back? For sometime now, I have been seeing a lot of the younger athletic population complain of back pain during or after activities. Some estimate that the distance we travel on …

Bulging / Herniated Discs and What Do They Mean?
What is the difference between a bulging disc and a herniated disc? We all tend to get scared or anxious when a physician reads your MRI and tells you that you have a bulging or herniated disc. Some of us …

Sport Specialization At An Early Age Can Increase Injury Risk
From PT in Motion, the professional issues magazine of the American Physical Therapy Association Parents and coaches need to be educated on the risks and signs of overuse injuries common in children who specialize in a single sport at a …

Introducing The Graston Technique
The Graston Technique is a remarkable procedure that allows us as professionals to detect and treat areas of “scar tissue” or adhesions in muscles, tendons or ligaments that can reduce our range of motion and cause pain. In the healing …

What Is Our Rotator Cuff & Why Is It So Important?
The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis) and their corresponding tendons that surround the shoulder joint. They play a huge role in keeping the head or your upper arm bone firmly within …